Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Bleak impact of IT on learning

infoDev is a global development financing programme co-ordinated and serviced by the Global ICT Department (GICT) of the World Bank. InfovDev rarely consider low-tech ICT applications such as school radio, TV or the overhead projector as serious options, even when the implementation of new technologies are likely, or better: doomed to fail. In a Briefing Paper five years ago infoDev summed up what is debatable about much classroom use of ICT to support learning and is soon to host a debate in Delhi on the theme of 'Most investment in technology in schools is wasted.'

Briefing Paper
Impact of ICT on Learning and Achievement

A Knowledge Map of Information & Communication Technologies in Education

It is generally believed that ICT can empower teachers and learners, promote change and foster the development of ‘21st century skills' but data to support these beliefs is still limited.

Download the full text here

Read also 20 years of IT in education and Silver bullets

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